It is extremely sad that way too many horses are getting injured and even dying on the streets of NYC. This holiday season let’s join the efforts to ban horse-drawn carriages.
The documentary BLINDERS shows the reality of how horrible the horse-drawn carriage industry in NYC really is. Many organizations including PETA have launched campaigns and bring attention to the problem. There’s even a very awesome solution which would maintain the historic and romantic feel of the tours while offering jobs to current workers of the horse carriage industry: New Yorkers for Clean, Livable and Safe Streets (NYCLASS) supports a legislation to phase-out horse carriages in NYC and replacing them with a fleet of vintage-replica electric cars – the 21st Century horseless carriage. NYCLASS and the ASPCA have pledged to find all 220 NYC carriage horses loving retirement homes and assure that no horse will be sent to slaughter. Everyone can help the horses and this cause: we can start by going HERE and by simply not supporting the horse carriage industry.
NY Times – Horse carriage collides with car
Horse collapses in Central Park due to heat exhaustion
NOTE – There is a lot of information on the horse-drawn carriage issue online, along with opposing points of view. Equestrette is our little space online where we express our individual thoughts. We respect everyone’s opinion, we encourage and will approve and reply to respectful comments only, regardless of differing points of view.