
Favorite Half Pads

Favorite Half Pads

1. EquiFit T-Foam Non-Slip Contour Pad –
2. Ultra ThinLine Contour Pad –
3. Jump Original Ogilvy Memory Foam HalfPad –

The EquiFit theraputic pad uses the T-Foam memory foam that is always so comfortable for horses. This pad maximizes support, disperses pressure points, absorbs shock, and helps prevent back soreness. I have always loved the EquiFit brand and though I have never used this pad, I have always wanted to try it.

The ThinLine pad has always been a favorite for many. It is great for horses that don’t need a lot of padding underneath the saddle. It flexes and moves with your horse, has great shock absorption, and offers closer contact between horse and rider

The Ogilvy pad is somewhat similar to the EquiFit one although there are a few different features. This pad uses anti-slip, moisture-wicking materials. It has anti-microbial and anti-fungal properties. It also uses a memory foam that gives great shock absorption. This is another product that I have been dying to try on my horse.



Half Moon Equestrian Centre – Montego Bay, Jamaica

It is getting COLD and I do not like it one bit! Half Moon Resort in Montego Bay, Jamaica would be the perfect escape for a warm and relaxing time. Half Moon was built on a perfectly shaped crescent beach in the 1950’s by a group of wealthy individuals as an exclusive vacation resort for their families. They offer many activities including amazing ocean swimming  on horseback – check out the video, it looks like it would be so much fun!

Half Moon


Half Moon


Half Moon


Half Moon

Check out the video HERE

links: Half Moon at RockResortHalf Moon Equestrian Centre


Alltech National Horse Show

It’s time for the Alltech National Horse Show in Lexington, KY! October 30 – November 4, the show offers $600,000 in prize money with a $250,000 Alltech Grand Prix. I so wish I could be there! But I will definitely be tuning into the USEF Network on November 3rd to catch the grand prix.

Alltech National Horse Show 2012



Washington International Horse Show

It’s that time of the year! Some of the world’s top riders travel to Washington, D.C.’s Verizon Center to compete in one of the most prestigious indoor horse shows in the country. And it starts today! If you can’t make it to D.C. this week, then do like me and tune in to the USEF Network on Saturday October 27 for the WIHS Equitation Finals and President’s Cup Grand Prix!

WIHS 2012 Poster

Washington International Horse Show October 23-28, 2012

Laura Kraut at WIHSLaura Kraut will be at WIHS this year!

Temporary stalls in the streets for WIHS 2012Temporary stalls in the streets of Washington, D.C.

1980 Tim Grubb at WIHSTim Grubb at the 1980 Washington International Horse Show

via WIHS


Pink for a Cure

October Breast Cancer Awareness Month! Honor women by wearing pink while you ride!

Pink For A Cure - Breast Cancer Awareness style
1. Alessandro Albanese Fitted Competition Shirt –
2. Animo Lena Jacket –
3. SSG Soft Touch Riding Gloves –
4. Tailored Sportsman Trophy Hunter Breeches –
5. Ariat Monaco Field Boot –
6. GPA First Lady Helmet –
7. 2012 BCA Estée Lauder Dream Pin –


Club Hipico – La Paz, Bolivia

For the past couple years I’ve had the pleasure of visiting family in Bolivia, South America. Most of my family lives in Santa Cruz and La Paz. One of the things I like to do is visit the riding clubs, obviously because I myself ride horses, but also because of their history and sense of community centered around horses. The club in La Paz is where the riders in my family first learned to ride and it is one of my favorite places to visit in Bolivia. Club Hipico Los Sargentos is nestled in the mountains of La Paz, Bolivia. The club offers many different amenities such as horse-back riding, soccer, racquet ball, tennis, a shooting range and a gymnasium with various fitness classes. This year, on October 27th, the club is hosting the 2012 Campeonato Nacional, national show jumping championship. Clubs, riders, and horses from all over Bolivia will travel to La Paz to compete.

Club Hipico Los Sargentos Campeonato Nacional 2012

Here are some pictures from my visit in December:

Club Hipico Los Sargentos club house The club house exterior

Club Hipico Los Sargentos club house and pool The interior of the club house and a view of the pool

Club Hipico Los Sargentos grand prix field View from the grand prix field

Club Hipico Los Sargentos horse and winding road One of the private barns and the beautiful winding road leading up to it

Club Hipico Los Sargentos schooling horses The schooling horses waiting for their students



Fav Five: Boots

These are some of my favorite horse boots, for schooling and the show ring.

Favorite Five Horse Boots

1. CWD Buckle Tendon Boots –
2. Doda Hind Horse Boots –
3. Eskadron Flexisoft Air Easy Boots –
4. EquiFit T-Boot Hind Xcel Horse Boots –
5. Veredus Nero Carbon Gel Open Front Horse Boots –

The CWD leather boots are great for the show ring. I’ve tried so many different brands of leather boots and all are way too stiff and leave sores on my horses legs. But these CWD boots are amazing because the leather is so soft and they look great!

The Doda boots are also pretty great. The pressure points on the inside help your horse really lift their legs over the jump. I’ve used these in the jumpers and have seen many people use them in the schooling ring for hunters. But they don’t work on every horse.

Eskadron boots are very popular and great for schooling. The new ones have vents which help keep your horse cool. However the buckles don’t seem very durable. I know the velcro was a problem because it would wear out quickly, but at least velcro is easy to replace.

EquiFit is by far my favorite brand of boots. The memory foam offers the best support and comfort for your horse. I use the front and hind T-Boots for my horse in the jumpers. These hind Xcel boots are great for horses that need the extra help lifting their hind legs because you can add weights. They are a good alternative for horses that don’t respond to the pressure points on the Doda boots.

Veredus is another popular brand. I’ve never tried them but have always been curious. The gel seems to offer good support but what I really like is the extra protection from the carbon fiber shell. These would be great for schooling or showing.

via DOVER and CWD


Pennsylvania National Horse Show

The Pennsylvania National Horse Show starts today! Some of the best equestrian athletes travel to Harrisburg, PA to give it their all. Really wishing I was there to watch the amazing riders and horses perform. Watch live streaming of the events on the USEF Network.

Pennsylvania National Horse Show logo

Visit the PA National Horse Show’s Facebook page

PA horse show stick horse

PA National Horse Show Terrier Races

Don’t miss the terrier races on October 15!

PA Farm Show Complex and Expo Center October 11-20, 2012



Back on Track

Back on Track products are a must have. The way they work is clay particles are melted into the thread that radiates heat back to the body. This can help with increasing blood circulation, muscle relief, and injury prevention. There are products for horses, people, and dogs. I’ve used some of the horse products and I love them.

Back on Track saddle pad

saddle pad

Back on Track knee braces

knee braces

Back on Track no-bow leg wraps

no-bow leg wraps



Eighty Dollar Champion

Snowman was an ex-plow horse headed to the slaughterhouse when Harry de Leyer rescued him. This horse bought for eighty dollars, went on to be a champion. It is such an inspiring story.

Harry de Leyer and Snowman, the eighty dollar champion

Left: Harry de Leyer and Snowman Right: Harry de Leyer on Snowman jumping over Lady Gray

Eighty Dollar Champion Book Cover

You can buy the book on Amazon